Successful church brands stand for something fundamental—an underlying foundational idea or principle that at every turn supports the church or particular service. This is called positioning, and without it a brand has no traction.

Successful positioning rejects conformity. At its best, positioning elevates a brand above the fray so that people can't help but take notice. The human brain instinctively looks for things that are different and unexpected. So a brand that stands in stark contrast to its "competition" will attract people's attention and have a distinct advantage in the community or marketplace.

To be noticed and interesting, however, a brand's positioning must accomplish three things. It must

  1. Be different
  2. Be focused
  3. Be relevant

Neglect any one of these factors and the platform collapses. Each one plays a critical role in the psychology of branding.

Next Step: Define your "angle" (what makes your church different?). Look around and what other churches are doing and avoid thinking "I really like that, I wanna do that." Instead, think about how you can differentiate yourself from that and define your own church brand personality — How are you different? What are you focused on? What is happening in your community and how are you playing a part in it? (relevance).

Remember: You started your church or ministry because you had a different and distinct vision for how to reach and assist people. If your mission and vision was exactly the same as the church down the street, you would have just joined their team. Branding brings to life your difference and distinction, it's the visual voice that shares your mission, vision and personality with others.

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