The questions below are examples of the kinds of things you can ask your staff, members and friends, in order to get an idea of what they really think of your church or ministry brand and if that impression is the one you want to continue to foster, or if you need to go back to the drawing board and create new experiences and better advertising that generates a more positive emotional aftertaste and a more effective brand image.

You can add or make-up your own questions based on the following format: "If your brand were a 'concept here', what 'concept' would it be? Explain why?" If the word brand stumps your colleagues that's a sure sign you have a problem, so try substituting the phrase "church, ministry, or service" for brand. Make sure the concepts you use are as removed from your normal frame of reference as possible and try to find ones that tap into some kind of emotional aftertaste and see what results you get. You will most likely be very surprised, bemused, and enlightened by the results.

The Emotional Brand Aftertaste Questionnaire
  • If your brand were a color, what color would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were a car, what car would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were an actor, what actor would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were a city, what city would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were a flavor, what flavor would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were a garment, what garment would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were a movie, what movie would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were an animal, what animal would it be? Explain why.

  • If your brand were a surprise anniversary present, how would your spouse react?

  • If your brand were found in a supermarket, what item would it be? Explain why.

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